Material Design Icons v1.6.50

The release for v1.6.50 was announced today and can now be downloaded. This is a pretty nice update and includes around 100 icons, 20 various icon fixes, and some new SCSS file improvements.

npm install mdi
bower install mdi

Like always this release could not have been done without all the work from the contributors on the team. Impossible to do this without them as the project has scaled in scope and users.

This is one of the rare releases that comes with breaking changes to those using the SCSS files. To make things easier from now on the _icons.scss contains only the loop logic, while the actual icon list is in _variables.scss.

@each $key, $value in $mdi-icons {
    .#{$mdi-css-prefix}-#{$key}:before {
        content: char($value);

Thanks for all those that helped out in this release and will be starting on some of the high priority issues shortly after taking a break.