

Material Design Icons v1.7.12

This is a pretty standard release, with 62 new icons and a handful of changes. There are two new features in this release and an update to the bower.json file to follow the current spec.

Feature one is focused on moving to a cleaner font-family declaration. The new .mdi-set class will work the same way as .mdi did previously for uses where more than one icon is needed.

.mdi-set {

The CodePen shows the way these two classes can be used from now on.

Feature two is a little more minor adding a mdi-blank icon that has been requested several times. This is actually just the mdi-solid icon with visability: hidden.

The last update is a bit more subtle and fixes the way bower.json is structured. Read more about that in the issue.


At 950 closed issue requests the contributors have done an amazing job! Great to see so much interest in the community to help out fellow designers and importantly developers.

Preview on the CDN View the WIP Design Page

Community meta.json

The new meta.json file contains all the meta data we have about each icon and will be included in the release going forward for 3rd party tools to take advantage of.

Chrome / Firefox Extension

One great example of this new data is the Chrome Extension MaterialDesignIcons Picker it is awesome! Also available in Firefox. Created by the talented @chteuchteu.